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Privacy & Cookie Policy

Your personal data is safe with us

Brysa Limited

Data Retention and Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

This Policy sets out the obligations of Brysa Limited, a company registered in England under number 11445657, whose registered office is at 82 High Street, Golborne, Warrington WA3 3DA (“the Company”) regarding retention of personal data collected, held, and processed by the Company in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation. “Data Protection Legislation” means all legislation and regulations in force from time to time regulating the use of personal data and the privacy of electronic communications including, but not limited to, the retained EU law version of the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) (the “UK GDPR”), as it forms part of the law of England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland by virtue of section 3 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, the Data Protection Act 2018, the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 as amended, and any successor legislation.

The Data Protection Legislation defines “personal data” as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (a “data subject”). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of that natural person.

The Data Protection Legislation also addresses “special category” personal data (also known as “sensitive” personal data). Such data includes, but is not necessarily limited to, data concerning the data subject’s race, ethnicity, politics, religion, trade union membership, genetics, biometrics (if used for ID purposes), health, sex life, or sexual orientation.

Under the Data Protection Legislation, personal data shall be kept in a form which permits the identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data is processed. In certain cases, personal data may be stored for longer periods where that data is to be processed for archiving purposes that are in the public interest, for scientific or historical research, or for statistical purposes (subject to the implementation of the appropriate technical and organisational measures required by the Data Protection Legislation to protect that data).

In addition, the Data Protection Legislation includes the right to erasure or “the right to be forgotten”. Data subjects have the right to have their personal data erased (and to prevent the processing of that personal data) in the following circumstances:

  1. Where the personal data is no longer required for the purpose for which it was originally collected or processed (see above);
  2. When the data subject withdraws their consent;
  3. When the data subject objects to the processing of their personal data and the Company has no overriding legitimate interest;
  4. When the personal data is processed unlawfully (i.e. in breach of the Data Protection Legislation);
  5. When the personal data has to be erased to comply with a legal obligation; or
  6. Where the personal data is processed for the provision of information society services to a child.

This Policy sets out the type(s) of personal data held by the Company, the period(s) for which that personal data is to be retained, the criteria for establishing and reviewing such period(s), and when and how it is to be deleted or otherwise disposed of.

For further information on other aspects of data protection and compliance with the Data Protection Legislation, please refer to the Company’s Data Protection Policy.

2. Aims and Objectives

    • The primary aim of this Policy is to set out limits for the retention of personal data and to ensure that those limits, as well as further data subject rights to erasure, are complied with. By extension, this Policy aims to ensure that the Company complies fully with its obligations and the rights of data subjects under the Data Protection Legislation.
    • In addition to safeguarding the rights of data subjects under the Data Protection Legislation, by ensuring that excessive amounts of data are not retained by the Company, this Policy also aims to improve the speed and efficiency of managing data.

3. Scope

    • This Policy applies to all personal data held by the Company
    • Personal data, as held by the Company is stored in the following ways and in the following locations:
      1. Laptop computers and other mobile devices provided by the Company to its employees;
      2. Computers and mobile devices owned by employees, agents, and sub-contractors used in accordance with the Company’s Bring Your Own Device (“BYOD”) Policy.

4. Data Subject Rights and Data Integrity

All personal data held by the Company is held in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Legislation and data subjects’ rights thereunder, as set out in the Company’s Data Protection Policy.

  • Data subjects are kept fully informed of their rights, of what personal data the Company holds about them, how that personal data is used as set out in Parts 15 and 16 of the Company’s Data Protection Policy, and how long the Company will hold that personal data (or, if no fixed retention period can be determined, the criteria by which the retention of the data will be determined).
  • Data subjects are given control over their personal data held by the Company including the right to have incorrect data rectified, the right to request that their personal data be deleted or otherwise disposed of (notwithstanding the retention periods otherwise set by this Data Retention Policy), the right to restrict the Company’s use of their personal data, the right to data portability, and further rights relating to automated decision-making and profiling , as set out in Parts 17 to 23 of the Company’s Data Protection Policy.

5. Technical and Organisational Data Security Measures

    • The following technical measures are in place within the Company to protect the security of personal data. Please refer to Parts 25 to 29 of the Company’s Data Protection Policy for further details:
      1. All emails containing personal data must be encrypted;
      2. All emails containing personal data must be marked “confidential”;
      3. Personal data may only be transmitted over secure networks;
      4. Personal data may not be transmitted over a wireless network if there is a reasonable wired alternative;
      5. Personal data contained in the body of an email, whether sent or received, should be copied from the body of that email and stored securely. The email itself and associated temporary files should be deleted;
      6. Where personal data is to be sent by facsimile transmission the recipient should be informed in advance and should be waiting to receive it;
      7. Where personal data is to be transferred in hardcopy form, it should be passed directly to the recipient;
      8. All personal data transferred physically should be transferred in a suitable container marked “confidential”;
      9. No personal data may be shared informally and if access is required to any personal data, such access should be formally requested from DPO.
      10. All hardcopies of personal data, along with any electronic copies stored on physical media should be stored securely;
      11. No personal data may be transferred to any employees, agents, contractors, or other parties, whether such parties are working on behalf of the Company or not, without authorisation;
      12. Personal data must be handled with care at all times and should not be left unattended or on view;
      13. Computers used to view personal data must always be locked before being left unattended;
      14. No personal data should be stored on any mobile device, whether such device belongs to the Company or otherwise without the formal written approval of DPO and then strictly in accordance with all instructions and limitations described at the time the approval is given, and for no longer than is absolutely necessary;
      15. All personal data stored electronically should be backed up regularly with backups stored offsite. All backups should be encrypted;
      16. All electronic copies of personal data should be stored securely using passwords and encryption;
      17. All passwords used to protect personal data should be changed regularly and should must be secure;
      18. Under no circumstances should any passwords be written down or shared. If a password is forgotten, it must be reset using the applicable method. IT staff do not have access to passwords;
      19. All software should be kept up-to-date. Security-related updates should be installed as soon as reasonably possible after becoming available;
      20. No software may be installed on any Company-owned computer or device without approval;
      21. Where personal data held by the Company is used for marketing purposes, it shall be the responsibility of DPO to ensure that the appropriate consent is obtained and that no data subjects have opted out, whether directly or via a third-party service such as the TPS.
    • The following organisational measures are in place within the Company to protect the security of personal data. Please refer to Part 30 of the Company’s Data Protection Policy for further details:
      1. All employees and other parties working on behalf of the Company shall be made fully aware of both their individual responsibilities and the Company’s responsibilities under the Data Protection Legislation and under the Company’s Data Protection Policy;
      2. Only employees and other parties working on behalf of the Company that need access to, and use of, personal data in order to perform their work shall have access to personal data held by the Company;
      3. All employees and other parties working on behalf of the Company handling personal data will be appropriately trained to do so;
      4. All employees and other parties working on behalf of the Company handling personal data will be appropriately supervised;
      5. All employees and other parties working on behalf of the Company handling personal data should exercise care and caution when discussing any work relating to personal data at all times;
      6. Methods of collecting, holding, and processing personal data shall be regularly evaluated and reviewed;
      7. The performance of those employees and other parties working on behalf of the Company handling personal data shall be regularly evaluated and reviewed;
      8. All employees and other parties working on behalf of the Company handling personal data will be bound by contract to comply with the Data Protection Legislation and the Company’s Data Protection Policy;
      9. All agents, contractors, or other parties working on behalf of the Company handling personal data must ensure that any and all relevant employees are held to the same conditions as those relevant employees of the Company arising out of the Data Protection Legislation and the Company’s Data Protection Policy;
      10. Where any agent, contractor or other party working on behalf of the Company handling personal data fails in their obligations under the Data Protection Legislation and/or the Company’s Data Protection Policy, that party shall indemnify and hold harmless the Company against any costs, liability, damages, loss, claims or proceedings which may arise out of that failure.

6. Data Disposal

Upon the expiry of the data retention periods set out below in Part 7 of this Policy, or when a data subject exercises their right to have their personal data erased, personal data shall be deleted, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of as follows:

  • Personal data stored electronically (including any and all backups thereof) shall be deleted;

7. Data Retention

    • As stated above, and as required by law, the Company shall not retain any personal data for any longer than is necessary in light of the purpose(s) for which that data is collected, held, and processed.
    • Different types of personal data, used for different purposes, will necessarily be retained for different periods (and its retention periodically reviewed), as set out below.
    • When establishing and/or reviewing retention periods, the following shall be taken into account:
      1. The objectives and requirements of the Company;
      2. The type of personal data in question;
      3. The purpose(s) for which the data in question is collected, held, and processed;
      4. The Company’s legal basis for collecting, holding, and processing that data;
      5. The category or categories of data subject to whom the data relates;
    • If a precise retention period cannot be fixed for a particular type of data, criteria shall be established by which the retention of the data will be determined, thereby ensuring that the data in question, and the retention of that data, can be regularly reviewed against those criteria.
    • Notwithstanding the following defined retention periods, certain personal data may be deleted or otherwise disposed of prior to the expiry of its defined retention period where a decision is made within the Company to do so (whether in response to a request by a data subject or otherwise.
    • When you visit or log in to our website, cookies and similar technologies may be used by our online data partners or vendors to associate these activities with other personal information they or others have about you, including by association with your email or home address. We (or service providers on our behalf) may then send communications and marketing to these email or home addresses. You may opt out of receiving this advertising by visiting

8. Roles and Responsibilities

    • The Company’s Data Protection Officer is Satish Thiagarajan,
    • The Data Protection Officer shall be responsible for overseeing the implementation of this Policy and for monitoring compliance with this Policy, the Company’s other Data Protection-related policies (including, but not limited to, its Data Protection Policy), and with the Data Protection Legislation.
    • The Data Protection Officer shall be directly responsible for ensuring compliance with the above data retention periods throughout the Company.
    • Any questions regarding this Policy, the retention of personal data, or any other aspect of Data Protection Legislation compliance should be referred to the Data Protection Officer.

9. Implementation of Policy

This Policy shall be deemed effective as of 01/01/2022. No part of this Policy shall have retroactive effect and shall thus apply only to matters occurring on or after this date.

Cookie Policy

At Brysa Limited, we prioritise your privacy and strive to provide a transparent overview of how we use cookies on our website. This Cookie Policy outlines how we utilise cookies, including those from RB2B, Google Analytics, and Zoho SalesIQ, to enhance your experience and support our business operations. These cookies are downloaded to your computer to improve your browsing experience as well as other purposes that are outlined in this Policy.

For further information on how we use, collect, and manage your personal data and information, see our Privacy Policy.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files placed on your device by websites you visit. They are widely used to make websites work, improve efficiency, and provide information to site owners. Cookies allow the website’s server to record and store your actions and preferences, such as login information, user history, language settings, font settings, colour settings, and other display preferences, over a particular period.

Cookies make sure that users do not have to re-enter their details, information, or preferences when they revisit the website or surf between pages.

How We Use Cookies

Cookies are essential for our website to function optimally and enhance website performance for a better user experience. The website administrator controls all cookies used on the site. and may grant third parties’ access for statistics and analytics purposes.

We use cookies for the following purposes:

Essential Cookies: These cookies are crucial for the basic functioning of our website, enabling navigation and access to secure areas. This helps us identify and save if you have created and logged into an account with the website.

Performance Cookies: These cookies collect data on how visitors interact with our website, such as the most frequently visited pages, which helps us improve site performance.

Functionality Cookies: These cookies remember your preferences and choices, enhancing your user experience on our website. This recognises your site username and specific customisations.

Targeting and Advertising Cookies: These cookies track your browsing habits to deliver relevant advertisements and understand your interests for personalised marketing.

Analytics Cookies: We use Google Analytics to gather information on how visitors use our website. These cookies help us analyse web traffic and improve our site based on user interactions. The data collected is anonymous and used solely for statistical analysis.

Customer Engagement Cookies: Zoho SalesIQ uses cookies to understand and interact with website visitors. These cookies help us offer real-time support and understand user behaviour for better service delivery.

Specific Cookies We Use

RB2B Cookies

Purpose: These cookies support our relationship based B2B operations by tracking interactions and engagements with our business partners. This helps gauge potential clients for our business even in the absence of direct contact or registration.

Data Collected: Interaction data, user preferences, geographical location, user ID, the referring URL for the visit, and session details.

Google Analytics Cookies

Our site uses Google Analytics, one of the most trusted analytics solutions on the global web, to understand how you use the site and ways to improve your site experience. As a result, these cookies may track your use of the site, time spent on the site, and its pages to allow us to continue producing engaging content. For more information on Google Analytics cookies, we refer you to see the official Google Analytics page:

Purpose: To analyse website traffic and user behaviour, providing insights to improve user experience.

Data Collected: Anonymous usage data, including pages visited, time spent on site, and sources of traffic.

Zoho SalesIQ Cookies

Purpose: To facilitate real-time customer support and track visitor interactions for enhanced service delivery.

Data Collected: Visitor interaction data and engagement metrics.

Managing Cookies

You can control the use of cookies through your browser settings. Most browsers allow you to refuse or accept cookies, delete existing cookies, or notify you when new cookies are placed. However, disabling cookies may affect your ability to use certain features on our website.

Third-Party Cookies

We may use third-party cookies to report usage statistics, deliver advertisements, and improve our services. These third parties may collect information about your online activities over time and across different websites.

We periodically test new features and make subtle changes to our site’s user interaction. Cookies may be used to provide you with a consistent experience on the site and understand our user’s preferred optimisations.

We use cookies to track and understand the statistics about the number of visitors that make purchases for the products that we sell. This allows us to accurately make informed business and market predictions that monitor our advertising and product costs to ensure the best equilibrium price.


By using our website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this Cookie Policy. We will seek your consent before placing cookies that are not strictly necessary for the operation of the website.

Updates to This Policy

We reserve the right to update this Cookie Policy periodically to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. We encourage you to review this policy regularly to stay informed about how we use cookies.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Cookie Policy or how we use cookies, please contact us at: