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The Power of AI in Media and Advertising: How Salesforce Einstein Transforms Engagement

The Sales team in the media and advertising industry probably well aware of the power of Salesforce and its potential to revolutionise sales processes. They might also have heard about the buzz surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and its growing impact on the business world. But how can the team harness the power of AI within your Salesforce ecosystem to enhance customer engagement and drive revenue growth? The answer lies in Salesforce Einstein. Salesforce Einstein is an AI-powered platform integrated within Salesforce, designed to provide users with intelligent insights, predictions, and recommendations based on your company’s data. It automates complex processes, uncovers hidden patterns, and helps your team make more informed decisions – all in real-time. In this blog post, we’ll explore how Einstein can transform customer engagement in the media and advertising industry and help you stay ahead of the competition. 1. Personalising Customer Journeys In today’s fast-paced, digital-first world, customers expect personalised experiences tailored to their preferences and behaviors. Salesforce Einstein enables you to achieve this by analysing vast amounts of customer data and identifying patterns and trends that can help you create more targeted and relevant marketing campaigns. Einstein’s AI-powered predictive analytics can segment your audience based on their online behavior, demographic information, and past interactions with your brand. It can also recommend the best channel and time to engage with each customer, resulting in higher click-through rates and more effective ad campaigns. Read why we believe Salesforce CRM is the perfect partner for your growing media and publishing businesses. 2. Smarter Lead Scoring and Conversion Predictions Einstein’s AI capabilities can help your sales team prioritise leads by predicting which ones are most likely to convert. By analysing historical data on customer interactions and correlating it with individual lead profiles, Einstein can assign a lead score that reflects the probability of conversion. This allows your sales team to focus their efforts on high-priority leads, improving overall efficiency and conversion rates. In addition, Einstein can predict potential churn risks among your existing clients, giving your team the opportunity to intervene and retain valuable customers before they slip away. You can therefore, boost your Ad efficiency with strategic tech integration. 3. Enhancing Creativity with AI-Driven Content Generation One of the challenges in the media and advertising industry is producing a steady stream of engaging and relevant content. Einstein’s AI-driven natural language processing (NLP) and image recognition capabilities can help your creative team come up with innovative ideas and concepts for your campaigns. For example, Einstein can analyse textual data to identify trending topics and keywords that resonate with your target audience. It can also recognise objects and patterns in images, providing inspiration for visual storytelling. By combining these insights with your team’s expertise, you can create compelling content that stands out in the crowded media landscape. Salesforce assembles all data in one place called Single Source of Truth (SSOT). This SSOT creates a solid foundation for GenAI in your company processes. 3. Optimising Ad Spend with AI-Powered Insights Media and advertising budgets are often spread across multiple channels, making it challenging to allocate resources effectively. Einstein can help optimise your ad spend by analysing campaign performance data and identifying which channels and strategies generate the best results. By leveraging AI-driven insights, you can fine-tune your campaigns, allocate your budget more efficiently, and maximise your return on investment (ROI). 4. Embracing a Data-Driven Culture To make the most of Salesforce Einstein, it’s crucial to establish a data-driven culture within your organisation. Encourage your team to embrace AI-powered insights and use them to inform their decision-making process. Provide training and resources to help them understand how Einstein works and how it can benefit their daily tasks. By fostering a data-driven mindset, your team will be better equipped to leverage Einstein’s full potential, leading to more accurate predictions, smarter decision-making, and improved customer engagement. We believe there is an immensely growing significance of programmatic in OOH Advertising and Salesforce with this data driven approach enables that. In conclusion, Salesforce Einstein offers a powerful and versatile AI solution that can help you transform customer engagement in the media and advertising industry. By personalising customer journeys, predicting lead conversions, enhancing creativity, optimising ad spend, and embracing a data-driven culture, you can stay ahead of the competition and drive revenue growth. At Brysa, we understand that navigating the world of AI can be challenging, especially when it comes to implementing advanced solutions like Salesforce Einstein. That’s why our team of excellent Salesforce consultants, based in London, is here to help. With our extensive knowledge and experience in the Salesforce ecosystem, we can guide you through the process of understanding and leveraging Einstein AI to its full potential. Our experts will work closely with you to assess your current Salesforce environment, identify opportunities for AI integration, and develop a tailored strategy to enhance your customer engagement initiatives. We pride ourselves on our commitment to client success, and we will ensure that your organisation reaps the maximum benefits from Einstein AI, while also providing ongoing support and guidance throughout your journey. Don’t let the power of AI in media and advertising pass you by. Partner with Brysa today and unlock the transformative potential of Salesforce Einstein for your business.

Preventing Revenue Leakage: Solutions for Businesses

Generating profits is a top priority for businesses of all sizes. However, a common issue that businesses face is revenue leakage, which occurs when a business earns revenue but doesn’t collect it. This problem can be caused by a variety of factors, including human error, poor processes, and bad data. In many cases, revenue leakage goes unnoticed, resulting in a significant loss of revenue for the business. There are several areas where revenue leakage tends to occur, including unenforced contracts, late payments, late invoicing, data entry errors, poor accounting, high discounting, and poor revenue operations. By understanding these areas and implementing effective solutions, businesses can prevent revenue leakage and protect their bottom line. 1. Unenforced contracts One of the primary causes of revenue leakage is unenforced contracts. This occurs when a customer fails to pay for services that they have received. To prevent this, businesses should ensure that they have clear and concise contracts in place with enforceable terms. These terms should be agreed upon by both parties before any services are provided. Businesses should also have a comprehensive contract management system in place to ensure that contracts are followed and any breaches of the contract are addressed. Salesforce CPQ offers a contract management solution that can help businesses manage their contracts and ensure compliance with the agreed-upon terms. 2. Late payments This can be prevented by setting up a streamlined invoicing and payment collection process. This process should include sending out invoices promptly and consistently, following up with customers who have not paid, and providing convenient payment options. It may also be helpful to incentivise customers to pay on time. Accounting Seed provides a robust invoicing and payment collection system that integrates seamlessly with Salesforce, making it easier for businesses to manage their invoicing and payment processes (read our case study of how we improved efficiency by almost 30% with seamless integration). 3. Late invoicing To prevent this, businesses should implement a system to ensure that all invoices are sent out promptly and accurately. This system should include a process for tracking invoices and following up with customers who have not paid. Additionally, businesses can set up automated invoicing and payment collection systems to streamline the process. Accounting Seed offers an automated invoicing solution that integrates with Salesforce, allowing businesses to easily manage their invoicing and payment collection processes. 4. Data entry errors These errors can occur when data is entered manually into systems or when there are inconsistencies between different systems. To prevent this, businesses should have strict quality control measures in place, including a system of checks and balances to ensure that all data is accurate and consistent across different systems. Additionally, businesses can implement an automated data entry system to reduce the risk of human error. Salesforce offers a data entry solution that can help businesses automate their data entry processes and reduce the risk of errors (read our case study of how we integrated Salesforce-ChatGPT to transfer email inquiries into Salesforce leads). 5. Poor accounting FTX, which was the leading cryptocurrency exchange and was once valued at $32 Billion collapsed because of substandard accounting practices. This Poor accounting occurs when the accounting team fails to keep accurate records of financial transactions, which can result in lost revenue. To prevent this, businesses should have an experienced and skilled accounting team in place. This team should have a comprehensive understanding of the business’s financial processes and be able to identify areas where revenue leakage is occurring. Accounting Seed offers a comprehensive accounting solution that integrates with Salesforce, allowing businesses to manage their financial processes efficiently. 6. High discounting While it may be necessary to offer discounts to customers to incentivise them to buy, excessive discounting can eat away at profits. To prevent this, businesses should have a clear pricing strategy in place based on the value of their products or services. By understanding their value proposition, businesses can charge a fair price that customers are willing to pay, without sacrificing profits. Additionally, businesses can train their sales team to sell based on value rather than price, to reduce the need for excessive discounting 7. Poor revenue operations When different departments in the business are not communicating effectively, it results in lost revenue opportunities. To prevent this, businesses should have clear communication channels in place, including a system for different departments to communicate effectively. Additionally, businesses can ensure that everyone is working towards the same revenue goals, and they are not missing out on any revenue opportunities. This can be achieved by having cross-functional teams to promote collaboration, ensuring that everyone is aware of their responsibilities, and regular communication with all departments. Salesforce offers a revenue operations solution that can help businesses manage their revenue operations more efficiently. In conclusion, revenue leakage can cause significant damage to a business’s bottom line. However, by understanding the causes of revenue leakage and implementing effective solutions, businesses can protect their profits and promote growth. At Brysa, we specialise in helping businesses optimise their revenue streams. As a Salesforce and Accounting Seed partner based in London, UK, we have extensive experience in revenue management and can help businesses implement the right processes and procedures to prevent revenue leakage from happening. Our team of experts can provide valuable insights and recommendations to streamline processes and ensure businesses are collecting all the revenue they are owed. In addition to revenue management services, Brysa offers a range of services that help businesses maximise their Salesforce investment. We provide tailored Salesforce solutions, including consulting, development, integration, and ongoing support, to help businesses achieve their goals. Our team of certified Salesforce professionals works closely with businesses to understand their unique requirements and develop customised solutions that meet their needs. If you’re concerned about revenue leakage and want to ensure that your business is running at peak efficiency, contact Brysa today. We’re here to help you achieve your revenue goals and take your business to the next level.

Southwest Airlines’ failure is a lesson in how to think about tech


Technology investment is often perceived as a cost center, with the perception being that it is an expense that a company must bear in order to remain competitive. However, this perception is misguided, as technology investment can actually serve as a profit center for a company. This is exemplified by the failure of Southwest Airlines, which occurred due to the company’s failure to make adequate technology investments. Southwest Airlines was once a pioneer in the airline industry, with its low-cost business model and customer-friendly approach setting it apart from its competitors. However, in recent years, Southwest has struggled to keep up with the rapid pace of technological change, and this failure has had serious consequences for the company. One of the primary reasons for Southwest’s decline was its failure to invest in modern computer systems. Despite being one of the largest airlines in the world, Southwest’s computer systems were outdated and unable to handle the complexity of modern air travel. As a result, the company was plagued by delays and cancellations, which frustrated customers and led to a decline in passenger numbers. In addition to operational problems, Southwest’s outdated computer systems also made it difficult for the company to innovate and introduce new products and services. For example, Southwest was slow to adopt online booking systems and mobile apps, which hindered its ability to compete with newer, more tech-savvy competitors. It is clear that Southwest’s failure to invest in technology was a major contributing factor to its decline. However, the company’s story serves as a cautionary tale for other businesses, as it illustrates the importance of technology investment in today’s fast-paced, tech-driven economy. During times of economic recession, it is natural for businesses of all sizes to focus on cost-cutting measures in order to survive. However, it is important for medium-sized businesses to resist the temptation to view technology investment as a cost center and instead consider it as a profit center. While it may seem counterintuitive to invest in technology during a recession, the reality is that technology can actually help medium-sized businesses to weather economic downturns and emerge stronger. By investing in modern computer systems and other technologies, medium-sized businesses can improve their operations, reduce costs, and increase efficiency, leading to increased profits and a stronger competitive position. Furthermore, technology investment can also help medium-sized businesses to innovate and introduce new products and services, which can drive revenue and market share. For example, companies that invest in e-commerce technologies are able to reach a wider audience and offer their products and services to a global market, even in the midst of a recession. Therefore, while it may be tempting to cut back on technology spending during economic downturns, the long-term benefits of technology investment far outweigh the short-term costs. By making strategic technology investments, medium-sized businesses can position themselves for success in any economic environment. At Brysa, we understand the importance of technology investment for medium-sized businesses. Our team of experts can help you make the right technology investment decisions for your business, ensuring that you are well-equipped to succeed in today’s tech-driven economy. Source:

As a CFO or FD, what key benefits of Accounting Seed you need to know about?


As finance directors and CFOs, it is essential to have a robust and reliable system in place for managing the financial operations of your organisation. One tool that has the potential to revolutionise the finance function of your organisation is Accounting Seed. Accounting Seed is a cloud-based accounting software cloud-based accounting software that is specifically designed for use in small to medium-sized businesses. It offers a wide range of features that can significantly improve the way your finance team operates. Here are some key benefits of using Accounting Seed (read the detailed comparison between Accounting Seed and its competitors like QuickBooks, Sage and Xero): 1. Streamlined and automated workflows: Accounting Seed automates many of the tedious, time-consuming tasks that are involved in financial management. This frees up your finance team to focus on more high-level tasks, such as analysing data and strategising for the future. Additionally, the software is highly customisable, allowing you to tailor the system to the specific needs of your organisation, streamlining processes and increasing efficiency. 2. Integration with Salesforce (read our case study of how we improved efficiency by almost 30% with seamless integration): If your organisation uses Salesforce, Accounting Seed can easily integrate with the platform, providing a comprehensive view of your financial data within the same system you use for customer relationship management. This can save your finance team time and effort, as they do not need to switch between multiple systems. 3. Real-time financial reporting: Accounting Seed offers real-time financial reporting, allowing you to access up-to-date financial reports anytime, anywhere. This means you can make informed business decisions based on the most current data available. 4. Scalability: Accounting Seed is designed for small to medium-sized businesses, but it is also scalable to meet the needs of growing organisations. As John Ray III, the CEO of FTX, highlighted that FTX used Quickbooks, a tool not suited for multi-billion dollar companies. Quickbooks is a great tool for small businesses, however, fails to accommodate growth.    Overall, Accounting Seed is a powerful tool that has the potential to revolutionise the finance function of your organisation. Its ability to streamline and automate workflows, integrate with Salesforce, provide real-time financial reporting, and scale to meet the needs of growing organisations can greatly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your finance team. If you are a finance director or CFO looking to modernise your organisation’s financial management system, consider giving Accounting Seed a try. Partnering with a knowledgeable and experienced team can greatly improve the implementation process. At Brysa, we are proud to be Accounting Seed partners, offering expert guidance and support to help your organisation get the most out of the platform. Our team has extensive experience with Accounting Seed and can assist with everything from initial setup and configuration to ongoing training and support. We can work with you to customise the system to meet the specific needs of your organisation and ensure a smooth and seamless transition to the new software. By partnering with Brysa for your Accounting Seed implementation, you can trust that you are in good hands. We are committed to helping your organisation realise the full potential of the platform and achieve success with your financial management system. So, if you are considering implementing Accounting Seed, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for expert guidance and support.

Why you need more than just Notion or Airtable to manage your CRM


The depth and breadth of Salesforce Tools you can use daily seems to grow with each scheduled release. As Lightning has picked up more traction, transitioning from Salesforce Classic to Salesforce Lightning is a “Must-Do” to continue using the Salesforce platform. So what exactly is “Lightning”? The Lightning Component framework is a UI framework for developing single-page applications for mobile and desktop devices. Think of Lightning Components as squares of a quilt with different functionality, sewn together on a “blanket” of a page. For admins or developers starting in Salesforce or for users just transitioning to Lightning recently, this can seem like information overload. How can you possibly get a handle on all that Lightning has to offer? The key is to master a few things at a time, and one of the best ways to do that is to start using bits and pieces of the Lightning component framework as soon as possible. Lightning Components can range from very basic, standard functionality, to customised and complex pieces that can fit a specific need, but may require development. Whether you are just learning Lightning or are a seasoned developer, the following five standard Lightning components provide great functionality with little time or learning required. Let’s dive in! Chatter Feed The Chatter Feed can be a really useful tool on an object or team-based page to show chatter posts that person follows, posts that are directed to them, or posts they’ve bookmarked. Chatter is great for documentation of activities and communications that occur on certain records, and keeping it all in line makes it easy for busy sales reps, for example, to stay on top of what’s going on that day without having to search through hundreds of records that they are associated with. Dashboard Having a dashboard snippet is a great way to show data that is useful at a glance with a visual indicator, such as a bar graph, pie chart, or tabular list. Dashboard pages are great for collecting lots of information in a “one-stop-shop”, however, using the dashboard Lightning component on a page saves clicks and keeps the Salesforce user from navigating away to another tab. These small benefits have a big impact on time! When customizing your Dashboard Lightning component, you can choose the size based on pixels, and choose to hide an error message if something keeps the dashboard from loading on the page, such as a permissions error with your user and the dashboard folder. Lightning App Builder The Lightning App Builder is a highly versatile and user-friendly tool within Salesforce, designed to facilitate the creation of custom pages for both the Salesforce mobile app and Lightning Experience. Through a simple point-and-click interface, users can effortlessly build single-page applications, dashboard-style apps, and customised record pages tailored to their specific needs. This tool allows for the integration of both standard and custom components, enabling the creation of highly responsive and dynamic applications without the necessity for extensive coding knowledge. Its intuitive design ensures that even those with minimal technical expertise can construct efficient, aesthetically pleasing pages that streamline business processes and enhance user engagement​ (Trailhead | The fun way to learn)​​ (Trailhead | The fun way to learn)​. Lightning Record Pages Lightning Record Pages are specialised pages within Salesforce that provide users with a detailed view of an individual record’s data. These pages are highly customisable, allowing for the inclusion of various components such as fields, related lists, and custom components that can be arranged to suit specific business requirements. The layout and functionality of Lightning Record Pages can be tailored to enhance the user experience, making it easier for users to access and manage critical information efficiently. By leveraging these pages, businesses can ensure that their users have quick access to the most relevant data, thereby improving productivity and decision-making capabilities​ (Trailhead | The fun way to learn)​​ (WeLearnSalesforce)​. Flows Salesforce Flows are powerful automation tools that enable users to build complex business processes with a simple drag-and-drop interface. These flows can be used to automate repetitive tasks, guide users through multistep processes, and ensure data consistency across the organisation. Flows can range from simple field updates to intricate sequences involving multiple objects and logic steps. By leveraging Flows, businesses can significantly reduce manual workloads, increase process accuracy, and ensure that critical business rules are consistently enforced across all user interactions​ (Trailhead | The fun way to learn)​​ (Trailhead | The fun way to learn)​. Conclusion Salesforce Lightning is an indispensable tool for modern businesses, offering a suite of customisable and intuitive features that enhance productivity, streamline processes, and improve user experience. With capabilities ranging from the creation of dynamic pages and automation of complex workflows to the customisation of record views and home pages, Salesforce Lightning empowers organisations to tailor their Salesforce environment to their unique needs. This flexibility not only boosts efficiency but also ensures that users have quick access to the information and tools they need, ultimately driving better business outcomes and higher satisfaction levels​ (Salesforce)​​ (Salesforce Developers)​.