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Case studies

From Silos to Synergy: TPG’s Journey to Salesforce Mastery with Brysa

  • Excessive time spent on entering data in and retrieving it from multiple locations as the systems were not complementing the process and the tech tools were used in silos. 
  • No Single Source of Truth in terms of process information and the client was unable to harness the full potential of Salesforce.
  • The engineers could not fully focus on the project work because the majority of their time was spent on manual tasks.
  • Set up processes in which data that is entered at one point is reflected across all systems for all teams to access. 
  • ‘Templatised’ project work and built a repository that could be used to allocate resources for all future endeavours with better planning. 
  • Optimised reporting so that weekly and monthly reports now had smart insights apart from simple data points. 
  • Information became available within seconds at the click of a button for across the pipeline – from opportunity sourcing to project management to accounting,
  • Increased accuracy of project planning, particularly related to timescale, manpower, and budget allocation.
  • Integrated project management with accounting so the client can extract the maximum ROI from Salesforce.
Billing Automation, Project Management, RevOps
Accounting Seed and Mission Control Implementation, Consultancy, Salesforce integration
Higher returns from tech investments, Improved productivity of employees
Accounting Seed, Mission Control, Salesforce

Our client, The Probst Group (TPG), headquartered in Wisconsin, USA, specialises in wastewater treatment solutions and serves clients primarily in the food and beverage industry. As a mid-market enterprise with approximately 60 employees, TPG’s workforce is predominantly composed of engineers dedicated to managing project work. TPG was struggling with challenges like entering data in multiple locations, constantly going back and forth with the accounts team to raise and bill POs, and planning each project as if it were new. They soon realised the need to change their operations and this is when they got in touch with Brysa. 

How Brysa helped TPG realise the full potential of their tech stack?

First, we audited their existing tech stack, workflows, and organisation structure. Using this research, we came up with two buckets – “As is” and “To be”.

“As is” bucket: TPG’s present challenges

  • Repetitive and manual work which took time away from big-ticket items for engineers.
  • Absence of an organised project library to plan for future work.
  • Underutilised tech stack. The Probst Group used Salesforce but in a very limited capacity. For instance, they used it just to store leads, contacts and opportunities. It was never a true Single Source of Truth that it is capable of.
  • The tech used by TPG was:
    • Salesforce – for storing leads and contacts, and for tracking opportunity status
    • Quickbooks – for accounting and financial planning
    • BillQuick – for project planning
    • Excel/Google Sheets – to run data analytics

“To be” bucket: Where we wanted to take TPG to

  • Introduce better project management and accounting platforms into TPG’s tech stack.
  • Avoid duplication of effort by ensuring that these new tools are native to Salesforce.
  • Design templates for all projects which can then be used for all future project and resource planning.
  • Automate expense management to iron out internal communication between teams.

To help TPG achieve the “To be” status, we interlinked Salesforce with associate tools like Mission Control and Accounting Seed to get the maximum out of the software. We ensured that the data transferred to these new softwares was complete and with zero errors.

  • Mission Control: A project management platform that helped TPG allocate resources based on their skills and availability.
  • Accounting Seed: To improve the financial health of TPG and to automate the billing processes. Engineers updated where the project was and the accounting team raised POs based on the reaching landmarks.

The adoption of Mission Control and Accounting Seed allowed for better ‘cradle to grave’ management of the project pipeline. Additionally, Salesforce became the Single Source of Truth (SSOT) where all teams could enter and retrieve information accurately. The end result was information became instantly accessible across all major functions:

  • Sales & Marketing: to store leads/contacts on
  • Engineers: to chart project progress
  • Management: to plan budget and resources by going through similar, previous projects
  • Legal: to refer to the repository to draft proposal contracts
  • Accounting and Finance: to automatically raise POs as engineering achieved milestones

We therefore, set up SSOT and expertly linked Project Management with Accounting, enhancing project planning accuracy and maximising Salesforce ROI.


Image 1: The Probst Group’s Project Templates


Image 2: TPG’s Project dashboard to get an overview of any project


Image 3: Automated Gantt Chart to track project progress


Image 4: Auto Assignment Wizard for better resource allocation


About Brysa

We are the UK’s leading Salesforce consultant, known for our expertise in delivering tailored Salesforce solutions that drive business transformation. With a deep understanding of Salesforce’s capabilities, we specialise in optimising Salesforce to enhance operational efficiency and maximise return on investment. We offer a comprehensive range of services, including strategic consulting, implementation, and ongoing support, ensuring that you leverage Salesforce to its full potential. To know more, contact us now.

Case studies

From Silos to Synergy: TPG’s Journey to Salesforce Mastery with Brysa

Salesforce and SharePoint Integration: Seamless Synergy Via CloudFiles

Measuring AI Readiness