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Case studies

Salesforce and Mailchimp Integration: Uniting Campaign Planning and Execution

  • Campaigns were planned on Salesforce and executed on Mailchimp – in two distinct platforms, resulting in data silos.
  • Campaigns were rigid.
  • Campaigns running on Mailchimp could not adapt automatically based on various performance metrics.
  • Integrate Salesforce and Mailchimp to ensure a seamless and bidirectional flow of information.
  • Use Mailchimp’s API call to achieve the exchange between the two platforms.
  • Campaign execution became seamless and fully automated.
  • Campaigns running on Mailchimp could adapt automatically based on Salesforce data.
  • Salesforce became the Single Source of Truth for campaign d
Campaign planning and execution, Marketing
Consultancy, Mailchimp and Salesforce integration, Transformation
Achieving an automated bidirectional flow of information, Salesforce becomes SSOT, time saved
Mailchimp, Salesforce

Our client i-media used Salesforce as their central CRM tool and relied on various secondary tools for different business functions. For instance, they used Broadsign as their CMS and Mailchimp to plan and execute campaigns. Although every tool generated desired outcomes individually, they slowed down i-media’s internal operations because the platforms were not integrated. That’s when i-media consulted Brysa to streamline their day-to-day operations and eliminate bottlenecks wherever present due to disjointed systems. 

How Brysa boosted i-media’s productivity?

We first audited i-media’s existing tech stack and workflows. Our research led us to various findings, which we categorised into two buckets: an “as is” stage and a “to be” stage.

“As is” stage:

  • i-media used advanced tech tools to run their internal operations
  • They used Salesforce to automate inter-team communication.
  • All the systems worked in silos and did not interact with one another, resulting in data fragmentation.
  • They created several workarounds which slowed down their internal operations and made the overall system highly inflexible.

“To be” stage:

  • Achieve Single Source of Truth by making all functions and tools interact with each other and that too on one common platform – Salesforce.
  • Automate all the routine tasks to save time.
  • Use performance metrics and data points to design adaptive campaigns.
  • Achieve peak performance by enabling the entire organisation to move forward as one cohesive unit.

To achieve the “to be” stage, we used API calls to interlink every campaign element in Mailchimp with Salesforce. The Salesforce model typically works around “opportunities” and focuses on generating revenue for the companies. Various associated functionalities exist that revolve around “opportunities”, and these include “leads”, “contacts”, and “accounts” for sales teams and “Campaigns” for the marketing teams. The “Campaigns” module in Salesforce is dedicated to just planning. It contains information about the method, the purpose, the list of recipients and the objectives of different campaigns. 

A commonly used method to execute campaigns is via emails. Out of hundreds of email marketing tools, Mailchimp stands out due to its intuitive interface and the comprehensive analytics it offers. And this is where the actual execution of campaigns happens.

Our client, i-media, used Salesforce for planning and Mailchimp to execute campaigns. However, they could not ensure the flow of information between the two platforms. They initially considered adopting Salesforce to Mailchimp Free Connector but decided against it because of limited functionality. We offered a more robust solution where we used Mailchimp’s API call to link the platform with Salesforce. With this, Salesforce had access to performance metrics like:

  1. Open rate
  2. Click Through Rate (CTR)
  3. Delivery rate
  4. Soft bounce
  5. Hard bounce
  6. All the above metrics also linked to the respective recipients

The marketing team now had comprehensive information in one place and could plan future activities. They could also execute the campaigns seamlessly with the enhanced Target List (TL). The reports generated were thorough, and the marketing team could now plan, execute and analyse everything in a single platform. They could trace a campaign from planning to conversion. 

We achieved similar, staggering results for i-media with Broadsign and Salesforce integration. All these integrations turned Salesforce into a Single Source Of Truth (SSOT) for i-media.

We at Brysa are strong advocates of “flow”, as this frees the workforce of the repetitive, mundane tasks. This “flow” then allows them to do high-value and more satisfying work. The future of every business isn’t just about technology; it’s about harnessing its power to unlock your talent’s full potential. SSOT streamlines processes, which means the right information is presented to the right user at the right time. It is also presented every time without fail – so they can perform the right action to yield the right results.

About Brysa

At Brysa, we aim to future-proof enterprises and increase their shelf life with AI integration. Salesforce, with its multidimensional capabilities and access to over 4,500 apps, is the tool we use to achieve this. We have rich experience in providing cutting-edge solutions to organisations across geographies and sectors.

We have leveraged our change management expertise in designing an AI Readiness Quiz to measure how prepared you truly are for seamless AI adoption within your systems and processes. The 10-minute free quiz with its customised results is inventive and is the first step you take to meet the challenge of automation head-on.

Case studies

Salesforce and Mailchimp Integration: Uniting Campaign Planning and Execution

From Silos to Synergy: TPG’s Journey to Salesforce Mastery with Brysa

Salesforce and SharePoint Integration: Seamless Synergy Via CloudFiles